The Testicular Cancer Awareness Network

Can a blood test diagnose testicular cancer?

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It is possible that testicular cancer can be diagnosed by a blood test, although this is not completely reliable. Some men with testicular cancer (but not all) have raised levels of proteins called tumour markers. There are three main tumour markers found in men with testicular cancer:

* Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)
* Beta human chorionic gonadotrophin (BHCG)
* Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)

70-80% of patients with testicular cancer will have raised tumour markers. Most men will not have a diagnosis made purely on a blood test - they will usually have an ultrasound scan as well.

If you have symptoms that are causing you concern, then you should see your family doctor (GP). Your doctor will examine you and can then refer you to your local hospital for tests if necessary.